This project aims to show that value could be created trough web 2.0 for organisation, to find out how and to show the mechanisms of value creation using web 2.0 for International Marketing.
Two are the fields where value creation is possible trough Web 2.0 – internal communications and collaboration, or knowledge management, and external communications and marketing. I will show the impact of this new way of ‘conversating’ within and outside an organization, but I will concentrate on marketing issues.
My aim is to show that in financial crisis times, Web 2.0 is a solution for value creation on a lower cost.
I. Scope
II. What is Web 2.0?
1. Definition
2. Fondations
3. Principles
4. How?
5. Technology
6. Theoretical bases
6.1The Cluetrain Manifesto
6.2Duncan Watts’ theory
6.4 McLuhan
6.5 The Chris Anderson’s Long Tail
III. Value creation 2.0
1 The scale value of Web 2.0
2 Conversation with customers
3. Sales 2.0
4. CRM 2.0
5. Marketing 2.0
5.1 Customer experience
5.2 Growing the customer loyalty though continuous customer dialogue
6. Enterprise 2.0
7. KM 2.0
8. ROI, measurement
8.1 Social Network Analysis
8.2 Text-mining
8.3 Crawing the web
8.4 Percentage of content sharing
8.5 Others
9. Legal aspects.
9.1 Social networking and privacy
10. Limits
11. Forecast for the Web 2.0 market
12. Web 3.0?
IV Web 2.0 in International Marketing
3.1 Benefits for international marketing in financial crisis times
- Market research, Making contacts in a foreign country for almost free - Behavioural targeting - Customer content production and promotion, - Brand ambassadors, Buzz marketing - Free CRM, autoregulated CRM networks - How to reach a national minority with Web 2.0?
3.2 Mix marketing and social media or how to optimise and complete traditional marketing
3.3 Exemples: Global and International campaigns and Professionals’ testimonials :3.3.1 Obama’s campaign,3.3.2 Nake, 3.3.3 Coca Cola, 3.3.4 Landmark Hotel's London E-Club
3.4 Value creation: long and short term; Inbound /outbound;
V. Focus on a market: Bulgaria and Russia
4.1 Main social media
4.2 Campaigns by foreign brands Nivea
4.3 Recommendations, Practical advice how to make 2.0 marketing campains in these countries...
1 . The Cluetrain Manifesto 2. Plate-forme d’entraide Bouygues Telecom
3. Landmark Hotel's London E-Club